giovedì 28 febbraio 2013


Col tempo sai, col tempo, tutto se ne va, non ricordi piu' il viso, non ricordi la voce
quando il cuore ormai tace a che serve cercare ti lasci andare, e forse e' meglio cosi'.
Col tempo sai, col tempo, tutto se ne va, l'altro che adoravi, che cercavi nel buio
L'altro che indovinavi in un battito di ciglia, e tra le frasi e le righe e il fondo tinta
di promesse agghindate per uscire a ballare, col tempo sai, tutto scompare. 

Col tempo sai, col tempo, tutto se ne va, ogni cosa appassisce, io mi scopro a frugare
in vetrine di morte quando il sabato sera la tenerezza rimane senza compagnia.
Col tempo sai, col tempo, tutto se ne va, l'altro a cui tu credevi anche a un colpo di tosse,
l'altro che ricoprivi, di gioielli e di vento per cui avresti impegnato anche l'anima al monte,
a cui ti trascinavi alla pari di un cane, col tempo sai, tutto va bene.

Col tempo sai, col tempo, tutto se ne va, non ricordi più il fuoco non ricordi le voci
della gente da poco e il loro sussurrare, non ritardare, copriti col freddo che fa.
Col tempo sai, col tempo, tutto se ne va e ti senti il biancore di un cavallo sfiancato,
in un letto straniero, ti senti gelato, solitario, ma in fondo in pace col mondo,
e ti senti ingannato degli anni perduti.

Allora tu
col tempo sai
non ami più.

giovedì 21 febbraio 2013

mercoledì 16 gennaio 2013


"Lo sai, Roberto... Non è vero che non si ha paura di morire"

E la notte, poi, è ancora lunga. E la sua mano è calda nella mia.

lunedì 14 gennaio 2013


You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness
Like resignation to the end,
Always the end.
So when we found that we could not make sense
Well you said that we would still be friends
But I’ll admit that I was glad that it was over

But you didn’t have to cut me off
Make out like it never happened 
And that we were nothing 
And I don’t even need your love
But you treat me like a stranger
And that feels so rough
You didn’t have to stoop so low
Have your friends collect your records
And then change your number
I guess that I don’t need that though

Now you’re just somebody that I used to know…

venerdì 11 gennaio 2013

Certe notti...

Cavoli come sono stanco.. Lei si alza innumerevoli volte durante la notte, è incredibile, mi tiene sveglio mentre Lei riesce a passare dal sonno alla veglia in un attimo..
Mi fa una tenerezza incredibile... l'amore, ecco quello che rende tutto possibile, rende possibile anche non dormire per giorni, rende possibile prendere abitudini e ritmi altrimenti impensabili...
L'amore, nelle sue svariate forme, mi ammazza e resuscita in continuazione. 
L'amore mi fa perdonare tutto, anche l'indifferenza...
Ma Lei di tutto questo non sa niente, forse il mio amore lo percepisce ancora però, ma quante volte ho amato e continuo ad amare incondizionatamente, senza nessuna pretesa, risposta, a senso unico... e va bene così..muoio..resuscito..muoio..resuscito...

lunedì 7 gennaio 2013

Notes to the Future...

Patti Smith 23 Luglio 2012
Listen my children and you shall hear
The sound of your own steps
The sound of your hereafter
Memory awaits and turns to greet you
Draping its banner across your wrists
Wake up arms
Delicate feet
For as one to march the streets

Each alone, each part of another
Your steps shall ring
Shall raise the cloud
And they that will hear will hear
Will hear voice of the one
And the one and the one
As it has never been uttered before

For something greater yet to come
Then the hour of the prophets
And their great cities

For the people of Ninevah
Fell to their knees
Heeding the cry of Jonah
Covering themselves in sackcloth and ashes
And called to their god

And all their hearts were as one heart.
And all their voices were as one voice.

God heard them and his mind was moved.

Yet something greater will come to pass.
And who will call?
And what will they call?
Will they call to God?
The air?
The fowl?

It will not matter, if the call is true.
They shall call and this is known.
One voice and each another
Shall enter the dead, the living flower,
Enter forms that we know not.
To be felt by sea,
By air,
By earth
And shall be an elemental pledge.

This is our birthright.
This is our charge.
And we have given over to others.
And they have

And the forests mourn.
The leaves fall.

Swaddling babes watch and wonder
As the fathers of our spirit nations
Dance in the street in celebration
As the mountains turn pale from
Their nuclear hand
And they have

Now my children
You must overturn the tables
Deliver the future from material rule
For only one rule should be considered

The eleventh commandment
To love one another
And this is our covenant across your wrist

This offering is yours
To adorn, adore
To bury
To burn
Upon a mound

To hail
To set away

It is merely a cloth,
Merely our colors,
Invested with the blood of the people
All their hopes and dreams.

Our flag
It has its excellence
Yet it is nothing
It shall not be a tyranny above us

Nor should god
Nor love
Nor nature

Yet we hold as our pleasure this tender honor
That we acknowledge the individual
And the common ground formed

And if our cloth be raised and lowered
Half mast
What does it tell us?

That an individual has passed
Is saluted
And mourned by his countrymen.

This ritual extends to us all.
For we are all the individual.

No unknown.
No insignificant one
Nor insignificant labor
Nor insignificant act of charity

Each has a story to be told and retold
Which shall be a glowing thread
In the fabric of Man

And the children shall march
And bring the colors forward
Investing within them

The redeeming blood
Of their revolutionary hearts.